MC68360AI25L NXP Semiconductors Embedded microcontroller MC68360AI25L FQFP 240 (32x32) NXP Semiconductors M683xx 32-Bit Single-Core 25 MHz

Part Nnumber
Embedded microcontroller MC68360AI25L FQFP 240 (32x32) NXP Semiconductors M683xx 32-Bit Single-Core 25 MHz
NXP Semiconductors
Basic price
131,60 EUR

The product with part number MC68360AI25L (Embedded microcontroller MC68360AI25L FQFP 240 (32x32) NXP Semiconductors M683xx 32-Bit Single-Core 25 MHz) is from company NXP Semiconductors and distributed with basic unit price 131,60 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Technical data Type MC68360AI25L Manufacturer NXP Semiconductors Manuf. Code NXP Enclosure FQFP 240 (32x32) Processor core CPU32+ Core size 32-Bit Single-Core Clock speed 25 MHz Series M683xx Graphics accelerator No Operating temperature (min.) 0 °C Max. operating temperature +70 °C Coprocessors / DSPs Communication, CPM RAM controller DRAM LAN data transfer rate 10 Mbit/s No. of LAN ports 1 x I/O voltage 5 V Category Embedded microcontroller

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